Remembering Katie Wright
In the early days of Woody Radio we had just the excitement of internet radio being so new. There was Woody Dave Foxx , Loki , Joel Lightman And Gidget
Gidget gave a night of Djing to a bunch of slumber partying 13 year olds.
The next week the Kids jsut started shwoing up asking to do it again with Maia. and thus Maia was now our youngest DJ.
Each week or sometimes twice a week her friends would join her and play the latest tween emo stuff they needed to hear. and they would dance and just be the coolest kids ever with their own radio show. It wasn't just Maia's show.. it was always AND FRIENDS
They joined street teams..Got merch.. pimped new bands.. And played a hell of a lot of My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco.
One of these magic kiddos was Maia's bestie Katie Wright. They had been friends since the first day of kindergarten. They were practically sisters.
Maia had speech issues and Katie made sure Maia never felt alone or picked on and in turn Maia made sure Katie had a home to hang out with out 5 siblings.
When Maias brothers were born Katie was right there.. Being the little mom she was good at.
When they were 14 we moved across the country. The kiddos didnt have set ups at home to DJ so they showed up in Maia's chat room and helped DJ from there.
After a couple years the hype of it all winded own and the fun ended.
But the friendships remained
Maia went off to DJ in college..And her friends all stayed friends in Seattle. And they kept in touch.. and all grew up and did well.
Kathryn "Katie" Wright passed away in a car accident on December 20,2020
She was there at the beginning of Woody and I hope she watches over us till the end.
She was a great kid.. And she became and amazing Mom in life. She leaves behind her lovely daughter Hazel Jane. and a wonderful family. And a friend in every person that ever met
In the early days of Woody Radio we had just the excitement of internet radio being so new. There was Woody Dave Foxx , Loki , Joel Lightman And Gidget
Gidget gave a night of Djing to a bunch of slumber partying 13 year olds.
The next week the Kids jsut started shwoing up asking to do it again with Maia. and thus Maia was now our youngest DJ.
Each week or sometimes twice a week her friends would join her and play the latest tween emo stuff they needed to hear. and they would dance and just be the coolest kids ever with their own radio show. It wasn't just Maia's show.. it was always AND FRIENDS
They joined street teams..Got merch.. pimped new bands.. And played a hell of a lot of My Chemical Romance and Panic at the Disco.
One of these magic kiddos was Maia's bestie Katie Wright. They had been friends since the first day of kindergarten. They were practically sisters.
Maia had speech issues and Katie made sure Maia never felt alone or picked on and in turn Maia made sure Katie had a home to hang out with out 5 siblings.
When Maias brothers were born Katie was right there.. Being the little mom she was good at.
When they were 14 we moved across the country. The kiddos didnt have set ups at home to DJ so they showed up in Maia's chat room and helped DJ from there.
After a couple years the hype of it all winded own and the fun ended.
But the friendships remained
Maia went off to DJ in college..And her friends all stayed friends in Seattle. And they kept in touch.. and all grew up and did well.
Kathryn "Katie" Wright passed away in a car accident on December 20,2020
She was there at the beginning of Woody and I hope she watches over us till the end.
She was a great kid.. And she became and amazing Mom in life. She leaves behind her lovely daughter Hazel Jane, a wonderful family, and a friend in every person that ever met her.

Little Hazel Jane and her Mama Katie

DJ Maia And Katie way back when!