Who is this DJ?

Gidget started with the station back when it was Canadian Music Rocks (CMR). She quickly grabbed up Amanda and they took over with a vengeance. Woody never knew what hit him. They quickly put him away in the basement’s Bad Ronald room only accessible by a phone on the desk they received instructions from.
Out of the ashes of CMR rose Woody Radio where Amanda and Gidget quickly promised to make all the listeners and chatters ‘Rock Hard’. In 2013 Amanda and Gidget purchased the station from Woody and became a force to be reckoned with in the world of Internet radio. In 2014 they added "Boris" as an owner. Although Amanda is no longer an owner Gidget still tredges on. She and "Boris" run a tight ship of fools and fun...
Today Gidget runs the ‘Secret Weapon’ daily. (a show she runs with Boris) of ‘Music that deserves to be heard’. She occasionally still DJ’s a couple times a week, but mostly she likes to go into chat and say randomly strange things. She went to college to study Rock and Roll and photography.. She wrote for a few magazines and now primarily writes stuff for her own enjoyment and takes pictures of stuff that makes her happy...OK really mainly cemeteries and decrepit stuff...
The link below is to the DJ Gidget page on Facebook.

Despite being clean and sober since March 27, 1990, I remain a “Full time cynic, with hopes of someday becoming a skeptic.” After surviving decades of abuse, and certainly taking many shortcuts on a path to self-destruction, I have survived and carry with me, ‘lifetimes’ of stories. (Some of which, I can even remember) My ‘sense of humor’ (or lack thereof) is, as I describe it, ‘A Form of Self Amuse’.
After working for 36 years in Digital Media, I have put myself behind the lens of a camera over the past year. Most of my Photography is not ‘traditional’ or ‘conventional’, in the sense of the words, as I often seek out ‘The Beauty in Decay’ in a lot of my work.
I am also the “Secret Weapon” on Woody Radio, a radio show of “Boris” favorites. Present, past, obscurities, oddities and a few guilty pleasures. 'Music That Deserves To Be Heard'. Faithfully maintained by Gidget of Woody Radio. The “Secret Weapon” is heard a number of times per week and has been received very well by listeners in 129+ countries. In 2014 I Became one of the owners of Woody Radio.
Please Listen Responsibly.
The link below is to the Secret Weapon page on Facebook.

• 'Regression' Mondays 9pm ET – 11pm ET
• 'Dischord' Tuesdays 8pm ET – 11pm ET
• 'The Cutting Room' 8pm ET – 1am ET (Sunday)
• 'Blackout' 1am ET – 10am ET
I’m a music addict. My addiction started at an early age. My first two albums were“Rock and Roll Over” by Kiss and “Young Americans” by David Bowie. At home, I was surrounded by rock, punk, R&B, and country, then at college I learned about other music genres and my music collection grew quickly. While living abroad, I feverishly hunted through the racks of every music store I could find for music not available in the U.S. I began to play music for friends, played music at parties and hung around with bar bands. I have always tried to see as many concerts as possible to feed my hunger for music. As the years passed, I collected alternative music, obscure new wave and post-punk bands which sounded unique and original, and then share them with my friends.
In 2003, I was prompted one night by a friend to become a DJ at a prominent Boston nightclub, which eventually turned into a regular show every week for the next 6 years. I found that my music collection wasn’t quite diverse enough, so I begancollecting even more and discovering more new music to love. I did this for several years,while holding down a full-time job, doing my shows and playing at a few other clubs and charity shows, before finally stepping away from the turntables.
In 2010, a friend suggested I try out for a spot on WoodyRadio, so I wrote to the owner without any hope for an answer. I was warmly embraced and began with a few weekly shows playing the music I knew best. I quickly realized that being a DJ for an internet radio station is quite different from playing to a live audience on the dance floor.
Over the next few years, I began to meet other DJs, fellow music lovers, and amazing independent artists online. I now proudly host a few weekly shows spotlighting vintage post-punk, obscure new wave, darker club music and wonderful new independent artists. In late 2013, I collaborated with 15 independent alternative music artists from around the world to produce an album named “DJ Mac’s Post-Alternative Visions”(available on Bandcamp – http://postalternativevisions.bandcamp.com). In 2017, volume 4 was produced.
Follow DJ Mac on Twitter

• 'Regenerations' Mondays 12am Midnight ET – 9am ET (Monday)
• 'The GuardianDemon (is naked and after your soul) Show'
Thursdays 1am ET – 3am ET
• 'The Vortex with The Doctor' Thursdays 3am ET – 9am ET
• 'Armageddon Hungry with DJ Guardian Demon'
Sundays 7pm ET – 12am Midnight ET
'THE GUARDIAN DEMON – Saving The World, One Song at a Time'
The Gaurdian Demon comes to us in a package deal and we would have it no other way.
When he is done spinning his ultra fun magic The Doctor takes over and whisks us through a mind meld all night that is a force to be reckoned with! Woody Radio needs the backbones that are The Guardian Demon and the Doctor.
Ghy the GD comes to us loving us long time. He joined Woody Radio back when it was CMR and is the third longest running DJ.. behind Loki and Gidget herself. He is loyal and has this amazing following.
Gidget personally knows him in real life as they were cigarette girls at competing companies!
His worth at the station was recently proven by a small medical time off when the station really had a huge hole in his absence and the doctors too! We just need them both.. and lots of them!

As the Doctor appears to be an enigma we shall not disclose anymore than see fit other than to say
he has the most excellent taste in names and music.
The links below are to The Guardian Demon and The Doctor pages on Facebook.

• 'Say Yo!' Wednesdays 8pm ET – 10pm ET
• 'From the Mailroom' Fridays 5pm ET – 8pm ET
Playing the best of newwavealternativeindiepoppunkgothicpostmodernclassichardacousticrock.
Born in the swamps of New Jersey, my musical interests began at a very young age, as I was always listening to the radio and discovering new music back in the heyday of new wave, the 80′s, and when MTV actually played music videos. My musical experiences expanded as I got older and starting taking drum lessons, the result of banging on my mother’s pots and pans for many years. My disc jockeying career began in college at WJTB 550 AM, Newark, the college radio station at NJIT. After beginning as a DJ my freshman year, I expanded over the next 4 years, first serving as the music director and then as general manager for 2 years. I also served as business manager in my senior year.
After college, I did some DJing on the side, doing some weddings, communions, and other parties. I enjoyed it but it was always a pain in the ass having to lug all the equipment around, let alone the 500 CDs I would use when DJing. (This was long before the days of simply playing music from one’s laptop). Taking requests from the crowd became an issue too, as I didn’t always have what they wanted to hear, and half the time the requests were for crappy songs. Little by little, I stopped DJing altogether, though I would still make sure that good music was playing during my annual BBQ parties.
It was around this time that I decided to put my drumming skills to good use, starting a band with two of my fraternity brothers and countless singers and bassists. Though the band never got beyond the basement and a few backyard parties, it got put on the back-burner as I moved to concentrate on my career for a few years.
After getting the musical urge again, DJ Gidget Bates of Canadian Music Rocks told me about this new show she was doing for the CMR internet radio station. I was rather intrigued about the new medium, and when CMR evolved into Woody Radio, Gidget did her best attempt to convince me to join the crew. After taking a few months to convert my cd collection into MP3 format, I began DJing on Woody Radio with “Death at One’s Elbow”, a show where I play new wave, alternative, indie, pop, punk, Gothic, post modern, classic rock, hard rock, acoustic rock, and more, often with ‘theme’ shows. The show began on April 11, 2009 and has been rocking ever since. On March 30, 2011, I expanded into a second show, “Play for Today”, where I continue the same musical styles and free format shows.
In 2016, Woody Radio had a rebirth, and with it came new shows. ‘Play for Today’ has evolved into “Say Yo! with DJ Glenn” and ‘Death at One’s Elbow’ has evolved into “DJ Glenn from the Mailroom.” The shows may have a new name, but they have the same great taste and are less filling. Be sure to tune in and turn on to the shows as you never know what you’ll get. Peace out bitches.
The link below is to the DJ Glenn page on Facebook.

Saturdays 5pm ET - 8pm ET
The origin of Blasphemer continues to be a mystery to this day, but we will summarize what information that we have dug up from various publications such as Psychology Today, Smithsonian Magazine, Redbook, and Cat Fancy. It is believed that Blasphemer is the love child of Glenn Danzig and Wendy O.Williams. At the tender age of eight months, Blasphemer (then known as Vincent Price Anzalone) was dropped on the steps of a Roman Catholic Church located in East Brunswick, New Jersey. Even then, Blasphemer possessed the darkness in his eyes and soul. According to Psychology Today, Blasphemer had the ability to socially engineer anyone to do his bidding including many of the nuns no matter how ridiculous or sinister his requests were. By the time Blasphemer turned seven, the nuns have had enough of his shenanigans and shipped him to a tough as nails orphanage in Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
There, Blasphemer developed a taste for the dark arts and Air Supply. Two days after his 9th birthday,Blasphemer was caught desecrating gravestones in a local cemetery by painting hot air balloons on them from the Air Supply album cover. When no one from the orphanage arrived to claim little Blasphemer, the state of Wisconsin did everything in their power to give him a family that could nurture and care for him without the evil influence of Air Supply. There are no records of Blasphemer until he was 15. Under his given name of Vincent Price Anzalone, he is listed in Census Bureau Records as living in Ogunquit, Maine with a fishing family named Price. Obviously, Blasphemer couldn’t be listed as Vincent Price Price, so the Price family chose to rename him Joseph Fisher Price. As this decision wasn’tclearly thought out, Blasphemer got his ass whipped on a daily basis in high school. This is when Blasphemer dedicated himself to the dark deity known simply as Cher. Obviously, Cher was a high and powerful witch who could manage to titillate a gunship full of naval soldiers while prancing around in a half-assed leather wrestling singlet. This is where Blasphemer honed his skills in social engineering. Where else could he learn such tactics other than Cher? When Blasphemer saw the power within Cher, he chose to completely overhaul his image of the kid with the elastic waistband bright blue pants and striped polo shirts to anything that was black. Blasphemer dyed his hair black, wore black eyeliner, and even started to call himself Brock Black. Although Blasphemer wasn’t all that imposing, he stopped getting beat up and people took notice. At this age, he also discovered heavy metal music. It didn’t sound anything like Cher, but it made him feel indestructible.
As heavy metal is sort of a gateway genre, he started light. Blasphemer thoroughly enjoyed the speed and brashness of thrash metal even though the lyrics were (and still are) completely juvenile in nature. He started purchasing shirts and cassettes with the money he earned from cleaning fish on the shores of Ogunquit. This type of work and life began to bore Blasphemer and once again, he fell of the proverbial grid. In 1999, Blasphemer turned up once again by simply opening up a checking account in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. Although not much is known of his time here, he did make a blip on the radar by being arrested for breaking and entering a hog farm. When police arrived, he was drunk off straight Sloe Gin riding around the pens at blazing speed on one of the largest hogs ever recorded in the United States. While being arrested, Blasphemer screamed Raisin Bran according to police reports. Today, there is still no significance or clue as to what Blasphemer was trying to communicate with local law enforcement. The 2000s brought a calming period for the man accused, but not deemed guilty by a court of his peers of many heinous crimes (none listed in this bio—I mean, we want you to listen to this guy’s show for Christ’s sake). Blasphemer started a family with a woman known only as Woman and a small tribe of feral children known as the demons.While this may sound misogynist and offensive, that is what was listed on Woman’s Pennsylvania driver’s license. Here in Emporium, Pennsylvania is where Blasphemer, Woman, and the demons adapted to farm life and practiced Wicca. For years, they lived under the radar and sold their crops at the local farmer’s market. They lived well above their means citing many to think they were drug dealers when in fact, they sold their souls to David Hasselhoff and abused Blasphemer’s ability to socially engineer the local yokels into handing their money over for blessings which was nothing more than a kick in the ass with a steel toed boot. When the Department of Justice investigated the Blasphemer farm, they disappeared under the cover of darkness. When Blasphemer emerged, it was learned by The Maury Show that Woman had left the country to become a renowned shadow puppet expert and spread the demons throughout Europe and Micronesia. This put Blasphemer in a dark place in which he has been unable to escape from. Blasphemer decided that he would attempt to use his free time to spread The Gospel of The Horns through educating niche adhering sheeple by any means necessary. Initially, Blasphemer’s approach was aggressive and a tad bit extreme, but he learned from his mistakes and sugar coated the message of the damned to draw the roaches into the light. Saving up every free cent from his earnings as a hand model and foot masseuse, Blasphemer bought himself a microphone and desktop computer with hopes of becoming a DJ on an internet radio station.Since swearing off his social engineering abilities years ago after something known only asthe incident,Blasphemer decided to brush the dust off from them one last time to sway two ladies of immeasurable power by the names of Loki and Gidget into giving him a chance at playing heavy metal on their radiostation. Loki and Gidget were impervious to Blasphemer’s onslaught of suggestion, but decided to give him a chance under the condition that he could make nice with the other DJs on Woody Radio.
Blasphemer did everything in his power to whisk away his social awkwardness and not utilize his rustyskills of influence while communicating with the likes of Mac, Jim Fucking Bell, Luna, Ragman and Mr. B. Somehow, his depravity was seen as charming and now Blasphemer can be heard on Thursday nights at 10:00 EDT playing death, black, doom, and grindcore music while still expressing his sensitive side of watching The Notebook, referencing Yanni, and adopting animals from the shelters. Despite his hate filled heart, Blasphemer is eternally grateful to Woody Radio and the DJs for allowing him to spread the gospel of music not intended for anyone as he says quite often.
The link below is to the Blasphemer page on Facebook.

• 'No Filter With Kim Olin' Thursdays 7pm ET - 9pm ET
I like music. I like playing it, I like listening to it, I like talking about it, and I like watching it live.
My mom bought “Meet The Beatles” and played it for my when I was a baby. WFIL AM, Top 40
out of Philadelphia was on the transistor radio constantly. I watched all the variety shows on TV, and snuck around to watch Don Kirshner and Wolfman Jack, because they came on past my bedtime. I was hooked early and needed a constant fix.
My show reflects that. I don’t play any single genre, but I only play what I like. That means you’re just likely to hear greasy garage rock, pounding punk, and jangly power pop, as you are classic rock, singer/songwriters, and R&B. But it’s so much more. On occasion I get to sit down with today’s music makers and talk about their lives and their art, in candid interviews. I will also make sure to tell you where and when the bands I play may be in your neck of the woods.
First and foremost, I challenge everyone to go out and see more live music. In today’s environment, it’s the only way our beloved independent artists can survive, and I’m committed to doing my part to support the scene.
I love listening to new stuff, and I will always listen to submissions. If you fit my format and I like it, I’ll give you a spin. If I really like it, I’ll come out and see your band and promo your shows. I can be contacted through the link below.
The link below is to Kim Olin's page on Facebook.

• 'The Tuesday Night Show with No Name'
Tuesdays 11pm ET – 2am ET (Wednesday)
• 'The Big Saturday Thing' Saturdays 1pm ET – 5pm ET
I have a passion for independent music and quirky music by popular artists. My deep, dark radio past includes playing “the finest music from the rock era” for 20 years at Twirl Radio, a stint at the late great Recharged Radio (based in London, UK), and stuffing envelopes at WBEZ, Chicago’s public radio station. Stuffing envelopes is great fun, but really, infecting people with great new music, and hamming it up on the microphone, is really where it’s at. Plus—stuffing envelopes doesn’t make for a very exciting radio show! I’ve known Gidget and the Woody gang for years, and she hinted several times over the years that I’d be welcome at Woody, if I ever chose to hang my hat there. Ok, it was more than a hint—anyone who knows Gidget knows that she doesn’t hint! So one fine day in 2017, I asked if the offer still stood, and before I could say “huh?”, I was on the air at Woody, making people rock hard! There are two things I like best about Woody Radio. One is the freedom. Freedom to play whatever music I want, and to say whatever I want on the air. The other is all the great Djs on Woody. The folks on Woody have an incredible passion for music, an unparalleled depth of musical knowledge, and a great sense of community. It’s one for all and all for one here at Woody, and I think that’s what makes this musical pirate ship work. Musical things I’ve gotten to do: Hosted and broadcasted live music events here in Northern California, written album liner notes (see the Vegas with Randolph album “Above The Blue”), played the “Magic Guitar” during a Pengwins show in Texas (ask me about that sometime), and I host the annual “Twirlie Awards” show, where I run down my year end lists and interview the winners. If you ever meet me in person, you’ll probably find me doing one of the following activities: wearing an Oakland A’s baseball cap, barbecuing, eating Mexican food, or listening to music. Sometimes, all at once. Thanks for listening to my show. And more importantly, thanks for listening to great music on Woody Radio.
The link below is to DJ Mike Lidskin's page on Facebook.
The link below is to Mike's Radio Stuff.
A place to find playlists,audio and all the things from DJ Mike Lidskin's radio shows.

Melting faces for generations to come…oh and those douche bag millennials that complain
about EVERYTHING! Playing death, grind, power, math, doom, etc. types of metal.
Early as a kid, I was really into Kiss, Duran Duran and The Police. My high school years was more alternative (The Cure, New Order, Depeche Mode, etc.) and then in my skateboarding years moved
to more punk/hardcore (Agnostic Front, Earth Crisis, Descendants, Black Flag, etc.)
Joined The Marine Corps (1990-1994) and my love of metal took off.
Faves are Pantera, Hatebreed, Cradle of Filth, Emmure, Necrophagia, etc.
If you’d like to be played on Metal Faction, you can contact me via the link below. If you fit our format, I’ll gladly add you into rotation and give you the opportunity to record a station ID!
The link below is to the Metal Faction page on Facebook.

• 'TC Live' Wednesdays 10pm ET - 12am Midnight ET
• 'Inclusion' Sundays 2pm ET - 4pm ET
Ted played records for the first time at The Lampost, Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard in 1979. It was a ‘New Wave’ night in a shot and beer bar. Sometimes people showed up. He worked out of a box of records that included first albums by the Clash, The Pretenders, Elvis Costello, Roxy Music etc.
He moved to San Francisco to pursue his career, pure Horatio Alger. He made tapes and brought them around to clubs. His first gig was at the Berkeley Square and he made $29. One such club was Earls, a very hip and stylish French New Wave club. He brought a tape to Bernard, the music director, who told him, in a snarling French accent, “We don’t play ABC here.” Ted replied, “Who’s ABC?” Regular gigs ensued.
He spent a year incarcerated at Houlihan’s on Fisherman’s Wharf. A notorious pick-up joint with really good Irish coffee, where any nuance of a segueway sent dancers leaving the floor like rats deserting a sinking ship, so he learned to mix nicely.
He soon gave up waiting on tables and began spinning records at the infamous (or maybe not) SOMA underground party circuit Science Club, Anon Salon, Checkovs, and Medicine Ball to name a few. And when the clubs came above-ground, he came with them. Nine, I – Beam, Sub Club and the DNA Lounge where he was the music director from 85-90.
He won the 1988 Bay Area DJ Dance Mix Competition, was a reporter to the Billboard dance chart and broadcast at two seminal radio stations, college station icon KUSF and Live 105 where he broadcast while mixing live from the clubs.
Now, it is with great pride, fear and intrepidation, he returns to the airwaves with 'TC Live' on Woody Radio.
The link below is to TC's page on Facebook.

Adam Waltemire started Pop Garden Radio in May of 2005 after hosting an independent pop segment on another local radio show for over 2 years. The show focuses on indie pop songs from around the world and tends to lean on the upbeat and fun stuff. With a background in country music, don’t be surprised to find some classic country thrown in every once in a while. The show is often visited by Uncle Red Chester, a down home simple fellow who loves to antagonize Adam on air. Adam created the character in the early 1990’s and he has followed him around ever since. Over the years Adam has had the pleasure of interviewing many legends in the music industry including Brian Wilson, Ron Dante of the Archies, Bill Lloyd, Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, the Rembrandts, the Rubinoos, Webb Wilder, Carnie Wilson, Evie Sands and many others. Adam wears a size 11.5 shoe and a 3x tshirt. That just about covers it. Oh, wait, pants. Yes, he also wears pants.
The link below is to Adam Waltemire's 'Pop Garden Radio' page on Facebook.

• Saturdays 10am ET – 1pm ET
I'm Mike DeAngelis, and I'm the host of There Once Was A Note on Woody Radio, Saturdays 10 AM - 1 PM Eastern.
I can't remember a time in my life that wasn't consumed by music.
As a little kid, I grew up in a home where my parents listened to all of the Grand Ole Opry stars, names you'd know like Chet Atkins, Buck Owens, Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and others you might not, like Hawkshaw Hawkins and Cowboy Copas.
"My" first music came via hand-me-down 45s from my sister, a whole lotta Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons and The Rivingtons ("Papa Oom Mow Mow")...then Monkeemania hit. I wanted to BE a Monkee. Who WOULDN'T? They lived in a cool house on the beach, they were surrounded by beautiful girls, and they played music all day. Some kids dreamed of being an astronaut or a Major League Baseball star. I dreamed of being a Monkee.
My parents bought me a Sears Silvertone acoustic guitar when I was 10. My dad drove me to lessons two nights a week after he got off of work. A year later, they bought me a Sears Silvertone electric guitar. I was in my first band, Queen Anne's Revenge, before I really knew how to play. Same for the rest of the guys. We didn't care, we tore into "Louie Louie" and "Wipeout" as if our lives depended on it.
Then The Monkees gave way to Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Neil Young, The Who...it seemed like everything exploded overnight.
I have somewhere around 2000 mix CDs sitting in a shelf in the living room. That's what I do...I listen to music, I put together playlists. I lived in Colorado during 2014 and had a radio show, "Ride The Tiger." It was free-form rock radio, based on my days of immersion in WBCN-FM Boston, and when I moved to California, KSAN-FM San Francisco. These DJs weren't wacky Morning Zoo Crew, Dr. Johnny Fever "personalities"...they were regular guys who talked about music, and knew it inside out. They were fearless, and would pull out a Miles Davis album just as quickly as they'd spin The Sex Pistols. I never would have taken a gig in commercial, playlist-formatted radio. The shows I listened to were all explorations, adventures, and it's what I wanted to do as well.
I moved to South Carolina in 2015, and in 2019, had the opportunity to do a new show in the same spirit, There Once Was A Note. I wanted to break down all the walls. I wanted to throw the best current indie artists equally into the mix with classic rock, psychedelia, alt-country, blues, and yes, every now and then, a little Miles.
A remarkable community has built around the show. Many of the artists I play take a direct hand, from "Artist's Blocks" (six of their favorite songs and one of their own, with their commentary), "Artist's Choice / Choice Artists" (deep album tracks from icons like Bowie, T.Rex, John Hiatt and more, chosen by artists played on the show with reciprocal tracks from each), Zoom interviews, and Guest DJ visits from artists featured on the show.
There Once Was A Note debuted in July 2020 on Woody Radio. I had admired the station and the support given to the DJs for quite some time, and it was an honor to have my show appear on the station. I hope you enjoy it. As I say at the close of each show, when you go out there this week, be good to yourself, be good to everyone you meet, and keep on rockin' in the free world.
Mike DeAngelis
The link below is to Mike DeAngelis' page on Facebook.

DJ Tiny Frankenstein is an irony - not only in my name, but also my musical tastes!
We can discuss the other ironic thing in chat - just kidding...or not!? I am a performing artist based in Los Angeles. When I drove Uber for a short while, I almost ran over Alec Baldwin in Hollywood, but really saved him because other cars followed my lead and let him cross Sunset
Blvd. True story!
Let's get to my musical tastes which I play on my show, The Frantic Zone - punk, hardcore, reggae, ska, deathrock, psychobilly, rockabilly, soul, 50's & 60's r & b, blues, goth rock, new romantic, ethereal, experimental, industrial, new wave, glam / glitter rock, surf, garage, psychedelic rock, funk, dub, metal, speed metal, hard rock, world music, etc... You can find me at the coffee shop writing or reciting poetry / displaying my artwork. Live shows of all kinds - love em! Why am I on WoodyRadio.com? Music is life! Like Lemmy from Mötörhead said - Born To Lose - Live To Win (Sin)! We are a family and are here because we enjoy sharing a bit of ourselves with you!